Dress Up Disaster
Here at Bliss, we like to think of ourselves as ' tanning experts'. We are always on hand to give advice and tips to customers and friends alike. It is therefore slightly embarrassing (but also a little amusing) when one of us makes a tanning faux pas, so for my blog this month I have decided to come clean and share my latest blunder...
As I'm sure you've noticed, the sun is finally shining and we are all able to have a bit of quality time outside soaking up the Vitamin D. I recently decided to go to the park with some friends in a nice new summer dress which has been sat staring at me from my wardrobe willing me to wear it ever since the spring collections landed in Toppers. It has a nice summery pattern, skater skirt and intricate criss-crossed back. I thought I looked quite nice in my little brogues and fedora and after applying lots of Cal Tan SPF 30 Spray, I set out for a day of fun.
I was a good girl and reapplied the cream and was quite impressed that the ghostly shade of white that had been haunting my legs all winter was starting to subside and the first glimpse of a tan was already beginning.
As I was getting ready to go out later that evening in another one of my springtime purchases, I noticed that the criss-cross shape from my dress had indeed transferred itself to my back - NOT a good look with a backless dress! Total nightmare.
Luckily I had my trusty tube of whitetobrown Wash-Off Instant Tan (a saviour on more than one occasion) to add a decent layer on to my back and a bit extra in the white bits. In the end there was hardly any difference at all. Rest assured, I will definitely be watching what I wear the next time I go out in the sun; but in case I do get caught out again, it's nice to know I have a plethora of tanning goodies to fix me up!